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    Stock No DCC20100801004
    Product Name The CD52-Bandit Non-Intrusive Pipeline Pig Passage
    Detailes The CD52-Bandit Non-Intrusive Pipeline Pig Passage Signaller

    Using either permanent magnets or active transmitters, the CD52 Bandit is designed to detect pig passages from 0.022 to 45.73 mph (0.036 to 72 k/h or 0.01m/s to 20 m/s). This system has developed a strong reputation in the industry for its reliability and durability in even the harshest environments.

    A relay closure on passage allows the Bandit to be interfaced to a wide variety of systems including SCADA, PLC's, lights, horns, etc., and since every unit is explosion-proof it can be used anywhere within a pipeline system regardless of environment.

    Main features of the CD52 Bandit:

    Completely non-intrusive to the pipeline
    Designed for direct burial permanent installation
    with many standard stalk heights and types
    Designed for temporary use onshore & offshore with carring case
    Every unit is housed in a certified explosion-proof enclosure
    Bi-directional detection
    Detection of both transmitter and permanent magnet equipped pipeline pigs
    Automatic retention of the 10 most recent pig passage times and dates
    Explosion proof case is standard equipment
    Powered for one full year with two D-Cell alkaline batteries or permanently powered with 24VDC
    Easily bands to pipelines from 2" to 60"
    Works to wall thicknesses of 1.5 inches
    The CD52-Bandit allows simple and reliable non-intrusive detection of pig passages anywhere within your pipeline system. Simply strap the CD52 onto a pipeline and it immediately begins scanning for both transmitter and permanent magnet equipped pig passages.

    When pig passages occur, their times and dates are displayed to the operator, along with a flashing "Recent Passage" message. If multiple pig passages have occurred, one can simply scroll back through the Bandit's passage memory and retrieve the time and date of any one of the last 10 passages.

    When pig passages occur, in addition to visual indications the CD52 Bandit initiates a relay contact closure (which may be wired normally open or normally closed) for 15 seconds by default. This relay can support an electrical connection of 120VAC to 1A or 30VDC to 3A.

    The Bandit's standard enclosure is a fully certified aluminium explosion-proof housing with a tempered glass window. This allows installations of the Bandit anywhere within a pipeline network without paying extra for explosion hazard locations.

    CDI manufactures a family of permanent magnets that are ideal for use with the CD52 Bandit. They are durable, epoxy encapsulated cylinders with outer jackets and mounting studs which can be mounted to, or placed into virtually any type of pipeline pig to allow it to be tracked through a pipeline network. Since they do not required batteries or have any active components, the usable life of these magnets is outstanding.

    Although several options are available for the CD52 Bandit that allow customization to a customer's needs, there are often special uses that require something new. If you have a special requirement for this equipment, just give CDI a call; special orders are commonplace for this type of equipment.

    CD52 Bandit standard unit banded to pipeline.

    CD52 Bandit standard unit with RIS option banded to pipeline.

    CD52-Portable temporary set on pipeline.

    CD52 with ratchet tie downs

    CD52-Portable Shipped in a Carring Case

    Load 2 x D-Cell battery for one year operation.

    CD52-12-316LSSMC is a standard CD52-Bandit with a full 316L Stainless Steel housing for highly corrosive offshore environments.

    Options for the CD52 Bandit may be mixed and matched to suit operational specifications:

    24VDC Powered Remote Indicator System (16 LEDs)
    provides visibility to 100 meters.
    Battery Powered Remote Indicator System (4 LEDs)
    provides visibility to 50 meters.
    Long stalk extentions for instalation below ground on buried pipe locations are shipped fully assembled and ready for installation onto an excavated pipeline.
    Heater for operation in extreme cold to -50 degrees Fahrenheit (requires 24VDC power)
    Offshore marine coating for sea spray environments
    All stainless steel hardware for chemically harsh environments
    12VDC and 24VDC external power operation
    Trickle-charge solar battery system

    Optional explosion-proof passage indicator light

    Typical Installations:


    Electrical Specifications:

    Detection Type: Non-Intrusive
    Devices Detected: CD42-Tx Pig location and tracking transmitters and CD52-Mx Pig tracking permanent magnets
    Detection Direction: Bi-directional

    Isolated Contact Closure
    Type: Auto reset on every Passage
    Passage Visual Indicator Type: LCD Flash for one hour, constant for 11 hours then auto reset
    Detection speed: 0.01 Meter/Second to 20 Meter/Second

    Battery Life: One full year on two standard 1.5VDC D-Cell alkaline batteries

    Line sizes: 6 Inch - 60 Inch / 152 mm -1524 mm
    Pipe wall Thickness Maximum: 1.5 Inch / 38.1 mm

    Temperature Range:
    -4?F to +130?F / -20?C to +54?C powered with Batteries
    -22?F to +176?F / -30?C to +80?C powered with remote +24VDC (RIS optionally)

    For applications that are between -22?F / -30?C to -50?F / -45?C an optional Heater Controller System and remote +24VDC is required (RIS optionally)

    Isolated Contact Closure:
    Type: Double Pole - Double Throw. Closed to indicate a pig passage, opened after 15 seconds
    Maximum Current: 2 Amps at 30 Volts DC

    Pig Passage Counter:
    Total Passage Count: 10 (First In First Out)
    Stored Passage Information: Time and Date are stored through power outages

    Pipe mounting Assembly Material: Aluminum
    Mounting Method: Stainless Steel 316 banding and buckles

    Remote Indicator System (RIS Optional)
    Type: Flash indefinitely until Manually Reset
    Device: 16 Super Bright LEDs
    Viewable Range: Minimum of 100 Meters

    Power Requirements
    Standard: 0.48 Watts
    Heater Option: 12 Watts intermittent
    RIS Option: 8.4 Watts

    System Design Life
    Operational: 20 Years
    Storage: 20 years

    Identification Name Plate (Optional) Material: Engraved Stainless Steel

    Enclosure Specifications:

    Material: Aluminium
    Window: Tempered Glass


    Class I, Div 1, Groups B, C, D
    Class II, Div 1, Groups E, F, G
    Class III


    FM Standard 3615
    CSA Standard C22.2 No.30
    UL Standard 1203
    CENELEC Standard EN 50014, 50018

    ATEX (EEx d IIC II2 G); (II2 D) (Enclosures employed EYS cemented joints)

    Type 4X and IP66 Enviromental Ratings

    Price Please contact us!
    Brand CDI
    Manufactur pn CD52
    Ship wieght PLEASE CALL !!
    Hazardous No
    Big Picture